Help with Placing Orders

Shopping cart

After selecting products, add it to the shopping cart. Once product is added to cart please select the item quantity. You can then click on "Place Order" button to start the ordering process.

Log in

If you have not yet logged in, then you have to log in now. If you are a new user then fill up all the details. A confirmation mail will be sent to you after a successful register. If you are already a registered user then, please enter your email address and the password you have assigned.

Billing address

After log in you will be redirected to the Billing page. Please enter your full billing address. In this step please read our terms and conditions. You can have the same address for both as Shipping and Billing address or have a separate address.

Delivery address

After filling up all the fields please check all the details and address before clicking on "Proceed" button.

Order overview

Finally before paying have an overview of all the data and all articles including the total amount. The legally binding order is sent once you click on the "Confirm" to pay button.

Online Payment

Once you have confirmed and clicked on the button "Confirm" to pay the order is placed. You will be redirected to the payment portal page. Enter your payment details by selecting the type of payment mode. Click on "Pay". Enter the OTP that you receive and click "Next". After the amount has been debited you will get a confirmation of the order placed. The purchase contract is finalized with the confirmation of the provider via email.

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